Thursday, April 14, 2016

Brent Coley shares "Hands on with Google Forms"

San Gabriel Valley CUE (SGVCUE) hosted a Spring Coffee Break this past Saturday and awesome, amazing, jaw-dropping, and energizing is how I describe it. Brent Coley, principal @AltaMurrieta, drove up from Murrieta to Manzanita Elementary in Covina to share his tips and tricks with Google Form. At the end of three hours I think people still wanted more. I know I wanted to sit down and create everything he shared before I forgot what he said and, of course, with him in the room to troubleshoot as I created. I can dream, can't I?

Imagine a principal who shortens teacher workflow by making it easier to do the tasks that are required of us with a simple form. Leaves a little extra time for teaching, right?

Imagine a principal who creates forms not only to collect information, but for parent contact logs, homework feedback, request meeting feedback, classroom walkthroughs, discipline logs, sharing favorite classroom books, and even bathroom passes. He also creates forms that utilize Google Add-ons to create certificates (autocrat) and 'tabifies' a spread sheet for ease in checking responses (EZ Query).

Imagine a principal who spends his summer creating a HUB of all these resources and more - all in one Google Doc - so his teachers only need to access one document to find the tool(s) they need.

Can you imagine?
Yep. In three hours he shared all this and more.

It was practical, hands-on, and truly helpful and supportive of teachers and administrators.

The hardest part is deciding which one to make first!

Thanks, Brent!

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